All Together 4 Ukraine

In June, 2022, Food Bank Albania has distributed in cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Albania/Посольство України в Албанії and TV 7 Albania, about 3.2 tons of food at the Ukrainian camp in Durrës. Thank you to all our partners of Food Bank Albania that donated this amount of food. Business companies .State Education Institutions, Private Education Institutions, Partner organizations and Donors
Together we help those in need more! We invite you to join the FBA mission.


Annual Report 2021

Attached in PDF is our Annual Report for 2021. You can view or download it to see a summizaration of our successful year here at Food Bank Albania. Thank you all for your support and help in our continued effort to fight poverty and end hunger in Albania. We welcome your future involvement and partnership with us in order to help reach sustaining climate goals by saving food waste, educating the public on the effects of food waste to our environment, and through food donations. Do good, save food!

FBA Annual Report 2021

Celebrating the holidays by focusing on sustainability

A lot has happened in the last few months since our last blog update here at Food Bank Albania. On October 16 and 17 we celebrated and recognized two very important days: ‘International Food Day‘, and the very next day, the ‘International Day for the Eradication of Poverty’. The Albanian International School joined the initiative in raising awareness and doing a big food drive.
As well, around the same time, IFIT organized a meeting with Food Bank Albania to present various food banking and food waste related material and the discussed the importance of food saving techniques, issues and obstacles to overcome in Albania in order to improve our impact and the ability to save more food and feed more of the poor. Various diplomats and other representatives were in attendance. We are also pleased to announce that Food Bank Albania received 3rd place among the European nations, in an awareness contest developed by FEBA, the European Food Banks Federation, focusing on efforts to market, advertise and raise awareness from the International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day which took place on the 29th of September.
Our schools’ educational program has kicked off again, which is not only being implemented online, but also some activities, material distribution and various food drives are being organized on location at the schools. We are thankful for the cooperation of the educational institutes involved, as well as the desire and attitude of all the students and volunteers involved to raise awareness on poverty & food waste. Thank you for your continuous food donations.
Business food contributions continue to come in, and as always, our fresh food collections continue to flourish, even in these difficult times. Although there have been setbacks due to things beyond our control, we have raised and distributed well over 100 tons of fresh food to date this year, equaling the prevention of 320,000 kg of CO2 from entering the atmosphere, thus also helping the climate. Also, we are gathering a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, allowing for a more nutritious diet.
Other events of significance since our last update include: a presentation for the Fokusi group which represents many smaller NGOs, a special visit from Feed the Hungry to our office and warehouse, a visit from TV OM, a television station from the Netherlands who  video recorded our operations, as well as a visit from one of our donors – St. Mensenkinderen – to meet the staff again and catch up on updates and current project processes. While thinking about our international partners, it reminds us of our work related to food waste, which follows the same objectives as laid out in UN’s Millenium Goal 12.3 in relation to the saving the environment and climate.

As mentioned in an earlier update, we are pleased with the addition of our new director, Ilirian Gjoni as we welcomed him to the team in his new role on October 1. Many of our partners and contacts are already acquainted with Ilir, however, for those who have not yet been introduced, we hope that you will welcome him with open arms and get to know him during our various food related activities and public events. Speaking of events, our annual food drive during the holidays was a success. This year the Food Bank Albania staff and volunteers were present at SPAR on the  weekends of December 11-12 and 18-19 at TEG and QTU. Together with World Vision and SPAR we raised the equivalent of 2,500 meals for distribution during these weekends. We recently came to an ongoing long-term agreement between World Vision and SPAR for ongoing food drives, with food baskets and a list of food items you can purchase for donation.
As we enter the colder months, let us not forget about the people in need, including widows or those with loved ones recently passed away and who have to go through the holidays and new years’ with these reminders. We strive to provide food and necessities especially to those who may live alone or only a few people at home, who can not afford as much. Therefore, our Winter Project is as important as ever, where we work and distribute food through many of our partnering NGOs who help these families in need.

Thank you all the NGO’s involved in this distribution process and for your work and willingness to provide the food during the end of the year to these people. If any of you reading are interested in helping, whether you are a business, NGO, or individual, please consider applying to be our partner, or a volunteer, or get in touch with us about donating food.On a side note, FBA is celebrating 8 years of existence, as we are ever growing and expanding, we must not forget that hunger can not be eradicated without your cooperation, and without solidarity. Happy Holidays everyone!

International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day

September 29th was International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day and here in Albania we kicked it off with a great start, raising awareness in 6 main cities: Tirana, Durrës, Shkodër, Elbasan, Fier, Korçë, and Lushnjë. In the center of the capital city Tirana, our volunteers and staff set up our Food Bank Albania tent and table to distribute flyers and brochures developed by FAO about this important day. Similar set ups and handing out the flyers were done in each of the cities.

A big thank you to everyone who helped out in this successful event. The volunteers did a great job talking with the public and explaining the concept of food loss and waste. The event was promoted well.

Food Bank Albania also appeared on the television channel TV SKAMPA, to inform the public about the International Day on Awareness on Food Loss and Waste. The newly appointed director, Ilirian Gjoni, spoke about this important topic.

As well, Food Bank Albania appeared on SCAN Television with Luis Deliu, Central Manager of FBA, giving an interview and stating the need for awareness on food loss and waste, and how Food Bank Albania operates.

Where we all need to get involved and contribute to changing the future of anyone in need!

Launch of new Educational Platform

Food Bank Albania Education

Food Bank Albania is excited to launch our new educational platform, containing educational material from our partner FAO about FOOD WASTE, practical advice, environmental impact and ways you can help! This new website is designed for use in both elementary and high school, as well as learning centres for children.

The platform contains various educational lessons in the form of video, text, downloadable content, quizzes and provides interactivity. The lessons are divided by age group and are already making a big impact in learning across the country.

Check it out now and spread the word!

International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste






September 29 is International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste. Food Bank Albania booths will be set up in 4 different points across Tirana, and all over Albania in the cities of Durrës, Elbasan, Fier, Lushnjë, Shkodër and Korçë.

Food Bank Albania is raising awareness about the severity and negative affects of food waste and food loss on both our planet and our people. Learn more on how you can help save food in your everyday routine. The saving of food will end up providing more to those in need. ? STOP food waste and help ? save our planet. ?

? Celebrate ? with us by reading these important 9 easy tips which fight against food waste:

Shaken, but not fallen!

Our work has had quite a big impact in the last several months. Earthquakes and pandemic have not stopped the solidarity of Albanians to come together and provide help to many families in need. Food Bank Albania, working along side volunteers and donating businesses, is striving to deliver as much food and supplies as possible in all negatively affected areas of the country, while maintaining and respecting government regulations. Although it is a difficult time, many organizations have stepped up and given what they could in order to improve the situation many poor families are facing.

The recovery of fresh food produce has tripled to 20 tons per month and we are distributing more than ever. We expect to be delivering about 30-40 tons of fresh produce during each of the summer months. There are about 70 charities and 20 state institutions that receive this food from the food bank.

Since our last update in the end of November, Food Bank Albania has distributed over 223,000 kg of food, providing the equivalent of over 500,000 meals to those in need during these difficult times.

We thank each and every partner, supporter, volunteer and donor – including those in the fresh food markets, and all businesses contributing to this cause together.

Our partnering distributing NGOs, who distribute both fresh and packaged food to the hungry families, have responded quickly when we have notified them of food supplies ready for shipment. As the quantity of fresh food donations has multiplied, we implemented a solution to extend the life of the food by installing a cooling room. It was made possible through a special dutch donation and it will help us better manage the fresh food supply. This will highly impact our operations; and there will be more time available to distribute the larger loads of food received, as well as better handling of area distributions. It will also better support the soup kitchens in the most affected areas.

Although the demand for food and help has steadily increased, Food Bank Albania has worked around the clock time and again to respond. It is not an easy job, a job that requires not only the dedication of our volunteers but also the safety of their lives and the lives of those who serve them in a very complex situation.

Other activities in the last few months included:

    • Several food drives in Tirana and in other local food bank branch cities
    • Municipal and businesses activities with Food Bank Shkoder to help with earthquake relief
    • Food assistance to urgent areas, such as Kënetë, Laç, Thumanë, Shën Vlash, Ishëm, Vlashaj and Shijak
    • Constant food donations from generous businesses and organizations across the country
    • New educational material developed in cooperation with UN’s FAO on food waste reduction in primary and secondary schools
    • Dedicated funds toward the COVID-19 situation
    • Distribution of more than 1,600 packages of seeds to local farmers around the country by our volunteers
    • 20,000 kgs of fresh food collected and distributed in just the month of May, 2020
    • Large quantity of food imported from the US for distribution

    Please continue to support Food Bank Albania, do not forget to Donate if you can, and contact us if you have any food donations. You can always help volunteer as well.


Banka Shqiptare e Ushqimit kërkon të informojë publikun që për shkak të emergjencës Covid – 19 po punojmë në mënyrë intensive për t’iu gjendur pranë familjeve në nevojë. Me anë të fondeve dhe dhurimeve tona të deritanishme jemi duke grumbulluar dhe shpërndarë edhe më shumë ushqime. Megjithatë, duhet të theksojmë që, gjatë dy javëve të fundit, kërkesat për ndihmë janë pothuajse dyfishuar. Ne kemi mbështetur dhe vazhdojmë të mbështesim edhe familjet e dëmtuara nga tërmeti, megjithatë kriza e tanishme është sfidë për kapacitetet e çdo organizatate, apo çdo institucioni. Kërkojmë ndihmën tuaj në mënyrë që të vazhdojmë të punojmë për të ndihmuar familjet që kanë nevojë për mbështetjen tonë.

Bankat e ushqimit në të gjithë Evropën ridrejtojnë tepricat ushqimore tek shtresat në nevojë. Edhe Food Bank Albania, pjesë e Federatës Evropiane të Bankave të Ushqimit (FEBA), po përpiqet me të gjitha forcat e saj për të rritur bashkëpunimin e institucioneve, bizneseve dhe organizatave të ndryshme brenda e jashtë vendit që të ndihmojnë në shpërndarjen e ndihmave ushqimore. COVID-19 ka treguar që mund të prekë këdo, por statistikat gjithashtu tregojnë që shtresat më të prekura janë shtresat më vulnerabël të shoqërisë si dhe më të varfërat nga ana ekonomike.

Pandemitë janë të lidhura ngushtë me plagët sociale të tilla si uria. Për këtë arsye gjatë dy javëve të fundit kemi shpërndarë më shumë se 1000 pako ushqimore në bashkëpunim me institucione shtetërore të tilla si Bashkia Tiranë, Shërbimi Social në Shkodër, Shërbimi Social në Elbasan, Prefektura Mirditë dhe të gjitha organizatat e tjera lokale që i kemi mbështetur dhe vazhdojmë t’i mbështesim në punën e tyre të përditshme.
Mund të ndihmoni dhe ju duke na shkruar në adresën e emailit: